Read all about the hard-working staff of CalsMUN 2022 here!
Willemijn van de Ruit
Secretary General Best MUN pickup line
Are you an international body formed in 1945 to increase political and economic cooperation among its member countries, because U.N. I belong together Favourite MUN experience It was a casino-night and I was very tired and ready to go home, so I decided to go all in, knowing that the chances of losing were very big. Against the odds, however, I won an ENTIRE chocolate bar! :) What do you hope to achieve in the future? TW // v cliché I hope to inspire as many people as possible to try and better this world through creative thinking. And also I hope to make CalsMUN 2022 a success. Quote "Be the change you wish to see in the world" Ghandi |
Lisa Scheper
Deputy Secretary General Best MUN pickup line
As a good delegate, I like to be on top of things *smirks* Favourite MUN experience When I was representing North Korea and stated that men are better, someone asked why I, a woman, was speaking for the country and not a man. I answered that if I, as a woman, was already beating them in the debate, they could only fear what a North Korean man could do. What do you hope to achieve in the future? I’d like to be able to give back to others and the world, either through volunteer work or just being kind and spreading happiness. Quote “We didn’t start the fire” Billy Joel |
Sara Aksakal
Deputy Secretary General Best MUN pickup line
Can I be your point of personal privilege? Favourite MUN experience I have only experienced one MUN but everything was amazing. I met people from all around the world and I still keep in touch with them! What do you hope to achieve in the future? This is going to sound really cheesy but make the world and the environment we live in a genuinely safe and better place for all people from different backgrounds. Quote "The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in our power" Mary Pickford |
Laura Lai
Conference Manager Best MUN pickup line
I motion for a one on one informal debate Favourite MUN experience During my first time in the OC I witnessed a full on wedding during the conference, it wasn’t necessarily my favourite experience but it was definitely my weirdest. What do you hope to achieve in the future? I honestly don’t know, I want to do a lot of things, I want to help other people and take care of the environment as best as I can. I want to explore almost everything this world has to offer and genuinely enjoy every moment. Quote “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” Eleanor Roosevelt |
Anne de Wit
Conference Manager Best MUN pickup line
You can lift my sanctions any day Favourite MUN experience Participating as Saudi-Arabia in the CSW during LMUNA ‘19, because I got to defend idiotic ideals whilst everyone knew I didn’t mean them. What do you hope to achieve in the future? Cheesy, but make the world a better place through politics and making the right decisions. Quote “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” Eleanor Roosevelt |
Aniek Geurts
Conference Manager Best MUN pickup line
The Security Council passed a resolution urging you and I to be together Favourite MUN experience I have only attended one MUN before, but I really enjoyed experiencing how only a few people can make a weekend a lot of fun. What do you hope to achieve in the future? I would change people’s greed. I don’t have big plans for the future, nonetheless I do plan to live life to the fullest and never back away from amazing opportunities. In line with this I hope to make the world a better place by giving people the space to be themselves. Quote “Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now” Alan Lakein |
Donna den Breejen
Master of Ceremonies Best MUN pickup line
It’s not about how big your placard is, it’s about how long you can keep it up Favourite MUN experience To be honest, I don't have a favourite anymore because all my MUNs have been fun in their own way. LeMUN 2019 was really fun because together with the EU, I made Vietnam a waste dumping nation in the resolution. CalsMUN 2020 was also a highlight because it was my first time in the OC. What do you hope to achieve in the future? I hope to achieve my goals. To get my dream job where I can help many people. Also I hope to be truly happy with what life will offer me and will learn from every mistake so I can develop as a person. Quote "I never think of the future, it comes soon enough" Albert Einstein |
Luca Spierenburg
Master of Ceremonies Best MUN pickup line
U.N. I belong together Favourite MUN experience I don’t have any yet :/ What do you hope to achieve in the future? To live a happy life and do what I like to do. Achieve my goals and enjoy life Quote “The best way to predict the future is to invent it” Steve Jobs |
Ilham Gutale
Head of Administration Best MUN pickup line
How long did it take you to get here? Because you look like you’re a member of the delegation from Heaven Favourite MUN experience I have attended one MUN before and it was a great experience. I met a lot of new people from all over the world and It was overall a surreal experience and a weekend I will never forget. What do you hope to achieve in the future? I don’t have anything specific I want to achieve in the future. However, I want to live life to the fullest and grab all the opportunities I get without any regrets. Also, I want to be the best version of myself and help the people and the world as much as I can, to make it a better place for everyone. Quote "Nothing we can do can change the past, but everything we do changes the future" Ashleigh Brilliant |
Sophie Kempees
Deputy Head of Administration Best MUN pickup line
Do you want to create an alliance... in private? Favourite MUN experience My favourite MUN experience was reading all the gossip from the gossip box. That made the whole MUN so much more fun! It was the most entertaining part of the day when the gossip was read out loud and everyone was laughing! What do you hope to achieve in the future? I want to follow my dreams and use my passion for animals by becoming a veterinarian. This way I can have a job I really enjoy and that fits my personality. I also hope to make the world a better place through helping these animals and not just giving them, but also their owners an opportunity to a safe and better life. Quote “The best way to predict the future is to create it” Abraham Lincoln |
Marah Maintz
Head of Housing and Hospitality Best MUN pickup line
I’m putting a sanction on your clothes, I’ll have to remove them Favourite MUN experience Lunch break What do you hope to achieve in the future? I hope to become captain in the Royal Netherlands Navy and after months of being away at sea come home to my cat. Quote "夢を諦めて死んでくれ -リヴァイ" アッカマン |
Jason van Otterlo
Deputy Head of Housing and Hospitality Best MUN pickup line
Motion to table the chair Favourite MUN experience My favourite MUN experience is CalsMUN 2020. With a really fun committee, funny chairs and entertaining discussions, I had a lot of fun. But the most fun experience was definitely the photo booth. I took a lot of fun pictures with friends! What do you hope to achieve in the future? First things first, I would like to become a better person in every aspect in life. I also would like to become someone reliable, that does not back down from any challenge. And I want to be filthy rich. Quote "If you don't like your destiny, don't accept it. Instead, have the courage to change it the way you want it to be" |
Floris Murk
Head of Finance Best MUN pickup line
I’d like to motion you to the floor Favourite MUN experience The combination of work hard and play hard; the serious stuff together with the fun gossip box and the party and getting to know new people and making new friends. This is why MUN is an unforgettable experience for me. What do you hope to achieve in the future? In the future I hope to have successfully finished my study and have a high function in a company or maybe even have my own company. I would like to have a job with something which relates to economics. My job has to make the world better. Quote “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do” Steve Jobs |
Elise Pleij
Deputy Head of Finance, PGA Best MUN pickup line
You’re pretty well rounded for a developing country Favourite MUN experience My favourite MUN experience was definitely going to Cambridge MUN in september of 2019. I went with a group of friends and it was a very fun and huge learning experience. What do you hope to achieve in the future? I don’t have any specific goals for the future apart from becoming a better person. Be healthy and happy. I would also love to get a pet. :) Quote “Do not wait for someone else to come and speak for you. It’s you who can change the world” Malala Yousafzai |
Rick Zonneveld
Head of Catering Best MUN pickup line
If you would ask me on a date, I would second it Favourite MUN experience Vetoing all the amendments with my buddy Gijs and getting food delivered to me. What do you hope to achieve in the future? I hope the world will survive long enough for me to be happy and stuff. Also, semi-immortality would be a really cool thing to be invented in the future. Quote "You will never truly know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory" Spongebob |
Tijmen Versteeg
Deputy Head of Catering Best MUN pickup line
It’s not about how big your placard is, it’s about how long you can keep it up Favourite MUN experience The entirety of CalsMUN 2020. I met some great people and experienced a great improvement in my debating. What do you hope to achieve in the future? I want to see the day that we live on Mars. Quote "Accept the terrible responsibility of life with eyes wide open" Jordan B. Peterson |
Lisa Pardoel
Head of Press Best MUN pickup line
If you were a country, I’d move there to be in you Favourite MUN experience Probably when I helped at the CalsMUN day to take pictures of everyone! It was so much fun to see my friends debate and it gave some pretty good pictures! What do you hope to achieve in the future? I don’t want to make any plans, I just wanna see what happens and do everything that makes me happy! Quote "If you want to do something, go for it! You’ve got nothing to lose" |
Chemene van de Brug
Deputy Head of Press Best MUN pickup line
U.N. I belong together Favourite MUN experience When I helped taking pictures at MUN day last year, I think I really learned a lot and had a great experience What do you hope to achieve in the future? I don’t have any plans for the future yet, but I just want to see what happens and do something I really enjoy doing. Quote ‘’Fake it till you make it’’ |
Sol Zeev
Expert Advisor Best MUN pickup line
I know we are from opposite ends of the room. But do you want to double delegate over dinner tonight? Favourite MUN experience I remember last year I took part in an online MUN and when I joined the zoom call I was so surprised to see that I knew 50% of the committee from previous MUNs. I think that’s what makes MUNs so special: the people. Whether you already know them and you laugh about previous MUNs or new people who make the weekend memorable. It’s always about the people. What do you hope to achieve in the future? I want to develop as a human being, becoming someone who inspires others to do good. That or go off-grid and live in a cottage in the middle of nowhere, either way I’m happy :) Quote “Everything you can imagine is real” Pablo Picasso |
Amy Sofogiannis
MUN Director Our MUN director Amy Sofogiannis has guided enthousiastic Cals students through 6 MUN's already. This year she will once again help us with the 7th edition of CalsMUN! Miss Sofogiannis teaches English at Cals College Nieuwegein and takes care of all the MUN related activities. She truly is the heart of CalsMUN.