High School Students Wanting to Make a Difference
With a fresh new Organizing Committee, we are ready to organise CalsMUN 2025! Having attended multiple Model United Nations at other schools in the Netherlands and abroad, we have witnessed firsthand what it entails to be a delegate. After the success of our very first MUN conference of January 2016, we decided to keep it running and expand our conference to be even bigger and better. We are an ambitious and experienced team that wants to put CalsMUN out there.
What Makes Us Different? |
Our conference is relatively new, but our organisation is experienced and extremely motivated. We constantly keep an open mind to new ideas trying to make our conference interesting and different, to ultimately try to stand out from other already well-established conferences. We do our best to keep evolving and add variety, one of the reasons why we included the Historical Committee amongst our other committees. Because of great acceptance at CalsMUN 2018, we decided to also implement the committee at CalsMUN 2019. Yet again the committee was of great success. Such a success, that for CalsMUN 2020 the entire theme revolved around history, and the Historical Security Council was added!
Impression CalsMUNGet a quick impression of our previous conferences from this video.
Please note that a formal outfit is required at CalsMUN. So, suit up and be ready for an awesome weekend! |
Historical Committee?The Historical Committee has this name for a reason. Attending delegates will find themselves in the middle of the outbreak of the First World War in Europe and will represent one of the seven Great Powers. By achieving political goals and military success, delegates will earn victory points and with lobbying and negotiating, they will reach far into the game. The Historical Committee is suitable for first time and experienced delegates who are interested in history and prepared to do detailed preparations. Delegates will be provided with a summary of the rules of procedure adapted from the board game Diplomacy beforehand.